Friday, December 13, 2019

Joe Dixon (Jr.) Builds a House

The August 22, 1895 issue of The Albion Journal says that Joe Dixon (Jr.), my grandpa’s dad, would be building a house in the near future on his farm south of the Ridge church. This was the Dixon property owned (or once owned) by his father. I have not seen a real estate transfer from Joe (Sr.) and wife to Joe (Jr.) and wife. It does say that the family will live move for the time being to the George Kershaw place. George Kershaw being his father-in-law.

Been there, done that. Sarah, Derek and the boys lived with us for a few months when they were in transition from their first house to their much larger and nicer current place. They may have felt a little cramped in our two smaller guest rooms, but we loved it as the boys were still young. Wish we had the pool back then.

And duh... my grandpa, born in 1898... was named George. Huh!

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