Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Jim and Jerry Dixon in 1897

I kid you not. I’m scanning the last few months of The Albion Journal. I had previously scanned 1898 and the few months of 1900 that survived. I’m in the final stretch. I’m looking for something to establish with certainty that J. Dixon, harness and saddle maker, is not one of ours. And I strike gold!

In September, 1897 I find a blurb about Jim Dixon going to Cincinnati to spend some time visiting relatives. We don’t have relatives in Cincinnati. Not now. Not then. Not ever. (I think!) He had been studying telegraphy. Obviously a young man. Nothing to round out an education like sending him to the big city to spend time with the relatives. And it’s reported by the West Salem correspondent where J. Dixon has a shop.

And two weeks later, the same West Salem column has a mention about the bishop and others from the German Moravian church and one Jerry Dixon from the English Moravian attending the Moravian Synod. OK, so maybe J. Dixon is really Jerry Dixon and it’s not his son. Still a good story. It doesn’t seem like representing your church at a synod would be a likely assignment for a younger man. But J. Dixon does have a business and a young son would not. Just saying!

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