Tuesday, December 17, 2019

First Land Purchases by the Dixon Family in America

Another sad tale. My son Randy wanted us to check our old IPad 2 to see which model it was as he plans to take it back to factory settings and use it for a video viewer for daughter Willa. I don’t think it will work, but it’s a doorstop otherwise. We gave up on it years ago. It will very slowly web surf and the camera works, but that’s it.

And what do I find when I open Safari, the web browser? Two web pages still open that have lists of land purchases made by John Dixon and kin for the first 20 years or so after they arrive in America. I’ve got to quit procrastinating on stuff. The actual site still works, so I was able to take screen shots, grandpa style, of everything. Another site containing plat maps seems to have mysteriously gone out of existence. So grandpa style is going to the web page and snapping a photo with Teri’s cell phone!

So I have photos of web pages. There is a summary page and pages for each purchase. The only real thing about the individual purchase pages is that it gives the prices paid. Still very cool.

So let’s discuss what we see. First, We now know that John Dixon bought land 2 days before Christmas in 1840, so he presumably was in America at the time. He paid $50 for 40 acres or $1.25 per acre. A deal. His next purchase was not for another 12 years. I don’t know why there would be no price listed for the second purchase. Actually, he could have purchased a “land warrant” that was originally given to a soldier in return for service (war of 1812?) and then turned in the warrant to get the land.

Next, we can see several purchases, all within a stones throw of the original 40 acres owned by John Dixon. The properties are in different sections, but they are adjoining sections. We know about John Dixon (Jr.) and Joseph Dixon (eventually Sr.). We don’t see Alfred, the youngest boy.

We know from an old plat map that Joseph Dixon (Sr.) is able to consolidate land into one larger holding containing at least 158 acres. The 118 he still holds and 40 that he sold to son-in-law C.M. Crawford. No other Dixon land holdings show on that 1907 plat map.

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