Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ridge Church Fire

Lois Goodson sent me several articles about the Christmas Day fire at the Ridge Church.

Here is an online article with color pictures, which may not be available forever.

The Ridge Church is in Dixon Precinct and is the burial site of many of our Dixon ancestors, including John Dixon, his wife, son and grandson... the grandson being the father of my grandfather George Dixon.

I visited the cemetary, which was located just behind the church in July when I visited Albion. It was spooky to read in the article that the church had burned to the ground in 1954... the year I was born. I wonder if mom and dad took Jay and I to Albion to visit that year?

They plan to rebuild the church and are raising funds. I hope they find a water source before they rebuild. And maybe a sprinkler system would be a good idea!

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