Thursday, November 18, 2021

Bob Elliott


Click on the photo for a better view. Bob was a nephew of my grandparents, George and Della Dixon, and thus a cousin of Wilma, Jerry, Jim and Don. Bob seems to be the original genealogist for the Dixon and Fisher families. In another post, you’ll see that Bob shared some research he had done at a gathering of his cousins. My dad Jerry Dixon added a few comments and later passed the info on to my cousin Curt Thacker, who shared it with our wing of the family. That info, plus some family photos I retrieved from my mom when she moved to my brother Todd’s house in Pinehurst, were the basis for starting this family history blog.

I spoke to Bob when I started and enjoyed talking with him. I met Bob’s younger brother Ray and several of his cousins and other relatives on a trip to Albion in 2008. I recently talked again with Ray and his wife Rosalee and they sent me a few more amazing photos and a very interesting newspaper article from the 1950’s. He told me that Bob had passed earlier this year.

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