Sunday, October 31, 2021

Wilma Jean Dixon Thacker

 I noticed that my Aunt Wilma was underrepresented in the family history blog. I just realized that she passed 10 years ago on May 4, 2011 in Spencer, Indiana near her home. She was 85 years old.

Aunt Wilma was the older sister to three boys, including my dad Jerry and Jim and Don. She was also the mother of 5 boys. She took care of everybody. I remember vividly that she came to the house when we took dad home from the hospital on what was to be a very short Hospice experience. I hadn’t seen her for years since we live in Florida, but it seemed so completely normal that she and Uncle Warren would come. It was like dad had his mother by his side in the hours before he passed.

Aunt Wilma was best described as a blend of her parents. At family gatherings, she was the one who talked least and listened the most. She seldom expressed an opinion, other than to gently remind everyone to look for the good in a person or situation that was being talked about.

I didn’t know why the Thackers moved to Spencer, but realize now that Uncle Warren’s family was in the area and he probably wanted to get back to his farming roots after years of running a filling (gas) station in Anderson. I wish I had been able to spend more time with her, but even if they had stayed in Anderson, adding 7 nephews (and two nieces) to her own 5 boys would had been a load.

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