Sunday, March 7, 2021

John Dixon Jr

John Dixon Jr was the third child of John Dixon Sr and Anne Dixon. Or was he? There are records of a child baptized at St. Peter’s parish church on June 28, 1827 who dies on 25 October 1829. The child’s name is John Dixon. John Dixon Jr. was born on 25 October 1829, the same date as the other child’s death, and baptized on 27 December 1829. I have not been able to see these records, but if they aren’t both the children of the same couple, John Sr and Anne have a very unusual gap in childbirths.

John Dixon Jr was 12 or 13 when he sails with two younger brothers and an older cousin to join his parents and two older siblings in Edwards County.

He is 21 at the time of the 1850 census.

He marries Margaret Elizabeth Conner (1839-1875) in 1859 in Edwards County. He remains in Edwards County the remainder of his life. They have one son, John W. Dixon (1860-1892), who lives with John Jr. after his mother dies and then with cousin John H. Marshall.

John Dixon Jr operated a grain mill and lists his occupation as a “millwright” on a census report.

Land records indicate that John Jr. died sometime between August 1872 and 1875. Notice that his wife dies in 1875. His brother Joseph Dixon Sr folds his estate into that of their father which means that the funds would support their mother during her life and then be allocated to the heirs of John Dixon Sr, which includes the Dixons and Marshalls.

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