Sunday, December 29, 2019

John Fischer, Adventurer

There is an interesting story in the History of Wabash County chapter of History Illinois Volume 2 written by Mr. Risley. It involves John Fischer, the future husband of Anna Marie Groff and future great grandfather of my grandmother, Della Fisher Dixon.

“In company with John and Jacob Groff and a Mr. Grotz, John Fischer built a flat-boat on Bonpas Creek, near the Kitchen bridge, on the Mt. Carmel and Albion road, and on it each of them loaded what corn they had for market. When a rise in the Creek came the boat was floated into the Wabash and down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to New Orleans, where the corn was sold at 12 1/2 cents per bushel, and the flat-boat for what they could get. Mr. Fischer made two of these trips, at one time having $6 and at the other $12 left when he reached home, after having spent about three months on each trip and walked most of the way home.”

After marriage, they lived in Mt. Carmel for a year and then bought timber land in Bellmont Precinct, building a small house. He later built a one and a half story house with 8 rooms. He amassed a small fortune for that place and time. Late in life he bounced from kid to kid, moving whenever he got fed up with the situation.

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