Friday, December 20, 2019

Historical Tidbits-Spanish American War Edition

America was tired of war. Until it wasn’t.

After the bloody civil war, we had a good run. No significant wars until 1898.

And then this happened. The rush to war, as reported (and pushed) by The Albion Journal, was amazing. It wasn’t just the Hearst Syndicate. There are weeks of stories leading from the date of the sinking of the Maine until the outbreak of war. Not many weeks. It didn’t take that long.

The lead-up to war and the war itself, were reported in minute detail. There was no question where The Albion Journal stood.

There were some similarities, especially in the beginning, with the second Iraq War. The outcome though, was very different. This was really a very short war, with few casualties. And we did end up with a mini-empire, some of which we hold onto today.

Admiral Dewey. Name sound familiar? George Dewey Dixon? Teddy Roosevelt and The Rough Riders? Good enough to get that boring Vice-President job. William Taft ended up ruling the Phillipines until Roosevelt brought his friend into the cabinet. Then Taft replaced Teddy as President until Teddy wanted it back. Then Taft eventually got the job he always wanted... Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

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