Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Historical Tidbits- KKK Edition

Albion and Edwards County folks were proud of their anti-slavery history. However, they weren’t necessarily models of proper behavior when it came to race relations. The paper often produces and/or reprints prejudicial and demeaning stories about African-Americans.

One of the worst cases was the reporting of an incident involving a group of 12 or so “white-caps”, armed with shotguns and revolvers, who run a black man out of town. He is accused of consorting with a white woman. Besides the guilty without a trial black fellow, they also threaten a black neighbor to divulge his whereabouts and threaten the white woman involved in a similar manner.

The last paragraph is amazing. “White capping is not a thing to be recommended, but in this particular instance if nothing worse is done, few will be found to seriously censure the method adopted of ridding the county of a very undesirable citizen.”

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